This is how much fun we had at our premiere event!
Overview of screened films:
For Each Other
Super Grandpa
Impossible Love
The Patriarchy

This is how much fun we had at our premiere event!
Saturday September 7th was a special afternoon for our Agie Foundation. It was the premiere of our new short film ‘The Patriarchy’ and our first public event. We and our guests had a great afternoon in KINO Rotterdam. The drinks and chatting after the screening continued for a long time. The fun factor sprinkles from the red carpet photos.
The private preview of the short film The Patriarchy was intended for cast and crew, grant providers and financiers and other interested parties who wanted to learn more about Stichting Agie.
In addition to The Patriarchy, we also showed five other films that the team of Stichting Agie had made in the past five years, in varying compositions. All five films were directed by Elles van Velzen. Secretly it was a triple premiere, because two other films, For Each Other and Impossible Love were also shown publicly for the first time. The original premieres of both films were cancelled at the time due to the corona pandemic.
The program was very interactive. In between two blocks of films we had after talks with cast and crew. We also presented our new projects, including the short film Varkensvoer and the documentary (Inn) a State of Siege (see our film page for more info).
After showing his beautiful crowdfunding trailer, the director of Varkensvoer, Oscar Keyser, took the floor himself to tell the public about his idea and to draw attention to his campaign. And that even resulted in new donors on the spot.
The presentation was in the hands of Dženita Čamo, with support from Agie colleague Michel Volwater. Our regular photographer Johan de Moel took beautiful pictures on the red carpet. You can see the entire collection on our Facebook page.
We look back on a very successful first event and are also very happy with all the positive reactions we received afterwards. We are already looking forward to the next event!